Kelly’s Erfolge

Res. Best Baby in Show, LUX 2012

Best Baby in Show , 2nd place

Intern.-Luxembourg 2012

Euro Show Kortrijk 12

Bester Jugendhund

Euro-Show-Kortrijk 2012

Judge: Frank Kane (UK)

Lux March 13 (3)1

Beste Hündin

CACL,CACIB, Crufts 2014 qualifiziert

Luxembourg 2013

Judge: Roberts Kanas (Slov)

Copy of IMG_9088

Best of Breed


Judge: Herbert Klemann (D)

Best of Breed , Oldenburg 13

Nationale-Oldenburg 2013

Best of Breed

Judge; Silke Warneke (D)

BOB Castrop Rauxel 14

“Bundessieger 2013”

Crufts qualified 2014

Judge: Theo Leenen (B)


Best of Breed

IZH-Hannover 2013

Judge: Peter Machetanz (D)

Best of Breed

Castrop-Rauxel 2014

Judge: Dr. W. Peper (D)

Kelly BOB Soest 2014


Judge: Tarja Hovila (FIN), ESS-Kennel-Adamant’s

BIS Northeim 14

“Best in Show”

SRA-Northeim 23.03.2014

Judge: J.R.Guillamon (ESP)

Inter. Berlin 2014

Trollaengens My Buddy Marlon

Justify Yourself von Ziskamir

Nat. Berlin 2014

Lordsett Just Do It

Justify Yourself von Ziskamir

45. Intern. Berlin-Brandenburg

Judge: Boerje Johansson (S)

1. Nat.-Berlin

Judge: Gert Christensen (DK)

BIS Northeim 2015

“Best in Show”

SRA-Northeim- 2015

Best in Show, Paarklasse

Festival der Rassehunde in Castrop-Rauxel 2015

“Best in Show Paarklasse”

Sieger Paarklasse Leipzig 15
Best in Show hamburg 2016

“Best in Show”

SRA-Hamburg 20.02.2016

Judge: Jens Karlson (Sweden)

ESS-Kennel Art-Wave´s

Intern-Leipzig  2015

“Best in Show Paarklasse”

DO, 2018, BOB Kelly

“Best of Breed”

VDH-Europasieger 2018 in Dortmund

Judge: Boris Spoljaric (HR)

HP, Tiger und Kelly on the move

Bundes-Sieger-Dortmund 2018

“Best in Show Paarklasse”



“Best in Group”

3. Nat-Rassehundausstellung-Meisdorf 2017

Judge: Des Manton (Irland)

Best in Show, SRA-Göttingen, 2 Tag

“Best in Show”

SRA-Göttingen 2018

Judge: Yvonne Jaussi (Schweitz)